------------------------------------- ------------- Count Zero's Quiz ------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------- Answers ------------- ------------------------------------- 1. Amiga means 'Female Friend' in Spanish 2. PAL stands for Phase Alternating Line 3. NTSC stands for National Television Standards Committee 4. No Software Failures (Guru's) !! 5. 23 pins 6. 19200 bps 7. ROM starts at Hex F80000 8. Phone 0800 89 0011 / or use someone's AT & T card ! 9. HAM uses 6 bitplanes 10. Quartex like Pink Floyd lyrics (so do I) 11. The advert trying to discourage software piracy 12. Press 'Alt' and L to get the pound sign 13. What You See Is What You Get 14. Your phone will make audible tones when you dial a number 15. Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory-Good for pirating cartridges 16. The S.C.S.I. Interface (Small Computer Systems Interface) 17. The 64 used a 6502 CPU 18. The Amiga Hardware Reference Manual and The Systems Programmers Guide 19. DIWSTRT controls where the playfield screen starts 20. William Gibson,published by Grafton Okay,Thats all Folks, Count Zero